
The Place and Space to Explore Summer

In unprecedented times, Jewish organizations everywhere have been stretching in new ways to reimagine and reinvent #Summer5780.

Discover virtual opportunities for kids and college students, families and twenty somethings, offered by all types of Jewish organizations, all curated by JewishTogether.

Find connection, community, learning and laughter. Add structure to your summer and make #Summer5780 matter.

Featured Experiences

  • #MyUSYfiSummer

    United Synagogue Youth brings together teens for the creative, challenging and community-based learning that a youth group offers.

  • Camp Yalla

    Created by camp counselor alumnae, Camp Yalla is adapting the best of camp—art, group activities, Shabbat and more—to an online space

There is so much more where those came from!

More to Explore

  • JewishLIVE

    Your portal to live-streaming Jewish experiences on the internet.

  • Moishe House: The Living Room

    The virtual spot for adults ages 22-35 worldwide to connect to one another and build meaningful spaces for Jewish life.

  • BBYO On Demand

    For any and all teenagers, tune in to learn, debate, study, laugh, connect, and so much more.

  • RJ on the Go

    Interactive, meaningful, and joyous Jewish experiences.

And the Resources Keep Coming

  • Summertime Forever

    If you want to capture the nostalgia for camp and a “normal” summer, listen to this beautiful music video.

Be in the Know!

Sign up for more information throughout the summer, and stay tuned on what’s coming for High Holidays 5781.