
31 2023

LinkedIn Is More Than Just For Job Search

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Elisa M Udaskin

Contact Elisa Udaskin

LinkedIn is constantly changing and it's important to keep up with the latest changes. Its focus has gone from being a digital rolodex to a searchable networking database used for research, content and engagement. Most recently, LinkedIn (through Microsoft) is using AI to build content, suggest profile changes and help recruiters with their job specs. In this webinar, Kenneth Lang will share the newest best practices from his recent visit to LinkedIn HQ. Kenneth Lang is the co-founder of My Networking Central, a searchable database for networking events and speakers. He facilitates an online weekly LinkedIn Live on Tuesday afternoons with guests where LinkedIn best practices are discussed. Kenneth also serves as a brand specialist for Lee Hecht Harrison, an outplacement service.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of MetroWest and Project EM