
22 2022

Interviewing to Cultivate an Offer

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Dana Altman

Contact Dana Altman

Offers don’t just happen, you must cultivate an offer throughout the interview process. Learn how to navigate the process and increase your chances of getting an offer. Interview topics include: Kokopella’s Interview Philosophy, Interview Stages, Preparing for Interviews, Closing Interviews and the Blessing Interview. Don't miss our last program of the year! There will be 20 minutes of open networking after Maya's presentation. Network with fellow job seekers. GUEST SPEAKER Maya Ollson Maya Ollson is Founder and Director of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement, which is known for its focus on providing in-depth personalized services to clients. She brings 25 years of outplacement experience and has helped thousands successfully travel the bumpy road of job searching. Maya has been lovingly dubbed “The Resume Queen” by her clients because she knows how to conduct an effective search, especially how to shorten it, turning resumes into interviews and interviews into offers.

Sponsor: The Kosloski Family Foundation in memory of Helene Kosloski.