Join us for an important conversation at the May Resiliency Roundtable in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month on suicide and self-harm. We'll spotlight education on the topics, models for prevention, and tools for crisis response that exist to support you in your work caring for young people. The Resiliency Roundtable is a virtual, North American network dedicated to promoting youth wellbeing in the Jewish community.
The Resiliency Roundtable brings together diverse stakeholders across the Jewish community who care about young people (ages 12-26) for learning on important topics impacting youth wellbeing.
Please be in touch with Kate Greene, Director of the Resiliency Roundtable, with any questions or suggestions: kate.greene@jewishfederations.org. To access resources from our previous gatherings, go to the Resiliency Roundtable tab of the BeWell website: jewishtogether.org/bewell
Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsfu-vrTMjHtdNQRljLYp9leX9dn5KxjzG